Monte-Carlo Event Generators EDDE and MonChER

EDDE process

EDDE means Exclusive Double Diffractive Events, i.e. events of the type a + b => a + X + b, where a, b are hadrons, X is the centrally produced hadronic system and + means Large Rapidity Gap (LRG). In the literature this events are usually called Exclusive Central Diffraction (exCD) or Exclusive Double Pomeron Exchange (exDPE). This processes are depicted in Figs. 5, 11 of the tasks, all the produced states are presented in the Fig. 22.

Generator (stand alone version)

Source files and card file for EDDE v2.1

MonChER processes

MonChER means Monte-Carlo for Charge Exchange Reactions, i.e. events of the type p + p => n + X and p + p => n + X + n, where p, n are protons and neutrons, X is a hadronic system and + means Large Rapidity Gap (LRG). Leading diagrams for these processes are depicted in Figs. 23 of the tasks. Addidional processes of rho and a2 exchanges are also taken into account in the generator.


Source files and card file for MonChER v1.1


MonChER (talk by A.Sobol, FWD PAG meeting, 29.03.2011, CMS-Week)

Last updated on 28.03.2011. Send your comments and suggestions on this page to Roman Ryutin